Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy (COOP) to prevent attacks from popups


An origin is a URL from the browser’s point of view. Two URLs have the same origin if the following components of the URL match:

  • the scheme (i.e.: http or https)
  • the TLD (.com)
  • the domain (
  • the subdomain (www.)
  • the port

Notably, paths (/some/path) and querystrings (?key=value) and fragments (#someid) are not part of the origin.

same-origin policy

The same-origin policy is a security mechanism used by browsers to restrict how resources loaded from one orgin can interact with resources loaded from another. This is why cross-origin requests are blocked unless Corss Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) is enabled.

Aside from fetch(), there are other JavaScript APIs that interact with different documents, like iframe.contentWindow (which returns the Window object of an iFrame). If documents are of the same-origin, then you have direct access to the other Window. But if they are not, you can only access a limited number of properties and methods of the Window. Despite this restriction, there are still attacks that use these APIs to leak information across origins.


Cross-site leaks (" XS-Leaks") attack the side-channels built into web platforms to infer information about other sites. For example, window.Length returns the number of iframes in a document. Consider a scenario where this number changes based on the properties of the user. This would make it a property that can be abused. Facebook patched a bug that abused this property.


Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy is a security header that can be returned in HTTP responses which enables additional protections for when different documents call on your site. It has three possible values:

  1. unsafe-none — the default (unsafe) value
  2. same-origin — the most safe value
  3. same-origin-allow-popups — a middle ground

Consider two different sites:

  • The opener calls window.Open() which returns a Window object that references the opened site.
  • The opened site can use the window.opener property to reference the Window object of the opener.

Both sites can set different values for COOP. The combination of the two values controls whether or not the two documents are in the same browsing context. If they are in different browsing contexts, then:

  • In the opened, window.opener is null.
  • in the opener, returns “default” values for some properties.


Consider two web apps:

  1. Serves an Index.html that contains a button which returns in open a popup in #2.
  2. Serves a Popup.html which attempts to read window.opener.

Scenario 1

  • Both apps have the same origin.
  • Result:
    • The Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy on either app is ignored.
    • In the opener: window.closed returns false (the correct value).
    • In the opened: window.opener returns the “real” Window object.

Scenario 2 This scenario is the least secure.

  • The apps have different origins.
  • Both apps set Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy: unsafe-none (or don’t set the header at all).
  • Result:
    • window.opener is available in the popup.
    • In the opener: window.closed returns false (the correct value).
    • In the opened: window.opener returns the real Window object.

Scenario 3 This scenario is the most secure.

  • The apps have different origins.
  • One of the apps sets Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy: same-origin.
  • Result:
    • In the opener: window.closed returns true (the incorrect value).
    • In the opened: window.opener retruns null.

When either app uses same-origin, that app opts out of context sharing, and without context sharing, the result is the same regardless of which app opts out.

Scenario 4

  • The apps have different origins.
  • One of the apps sets Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy: same-origin-allow-popups.
  • Result:
    • If the opener uses unsafe-none (or omits the header), the apps share browsing context.
    • If the opener uses anything else, the browsing contexts are isolated.
    • If the opened uses unsafe-none, the browsing contexts are isolated.

Summary of scenarios:

Opener COOP valueOpened COOP valueContext is…
unsafe-none / missingunsafe-none / missingShared
unsafe-none / missingsame-origin-allow-popupsIsolated
unsafe-none / missingsame-originIsolated
same-origin-allow-popupsunsafe-none / missingShared
same-originunsafe-none / missingIsolated


This header “simulates” the COOP policy and sends any violations via the browser’s reporting API.