coupling vs cohesion

Loose coupling between modules
High cohesion within modules


The degree of interdependence between software modules.


  1. A change in one module does not have a ripple effects requiring a change in another.
  2. Promotes code re-use and ease of testing by reducing dependencies.


The degree to which elements inside a module belong together.

  • If methods of a class are similar in many aspects, the class has high cohesion.


  1. Improved code readability
  2. Improved code reusability
  3. Complexity is manageable


Bad: The only relationship between the parts is that they have been grouped together.

  • Ex: A “utilities” class

Good: Parts are grouped because they operate on the same data.

  • Ex: A class that manipulates XML.

Robustness—the ability of a system to cope with bad input and/or errors during execution. Redundancy—one way to support a system’s robustness.