abstract factory
Type: Creational
Purpose: Produce families of related objects without specifying their concrete classes.
Use when: You have a class with a set of factory methods that blur its primary responsibility.
Principles: Single Responsibility Principle; Open/Closed Principle
Complexity: 2/3
Popularity: 3/3
In .NET: IHttpClientFactory
- Abstract Products declare interfaces for a set of distinct but related products which make up a product family.
- Concrete Products are various implementations of abstract products, grouped by variants. Each abstract product (chair/sofa) must be implemented in all given variants (Victorian/Modern).
- The Abstract Factory interface declares a set of methods for creating each of the abstract products.
- Concrete Factories implement creation methods of the abstract factory. Each concrete factory corresponds to a specific variant of products and creates only those product variants.
- Although concrete factories instantiate concrete products, signatures of their creation methods must return corresponding abstract products. This way the client code that uses a factory doesn’t get coupled to the specific variant of the product it gets from a factory. The Client can work with any concrete factory/product variant, as long as it communicates with their objects via abstract interfaces.
Create a matrix of distinct product types and their variants.
Declare abstract product interfaces for all product types. Make all concrete product classes implement these.
public interface IChair
void SitOn();
public class VictorianChair : IChair
void SitOn()
public class ArtDecoCHair : IChair { … }
public class ModernChar : IChair { … }
public interface ISofa { … }
public interface ICouch { … }
// Declare the abstract factory interface with a set of creation methods for all abstract products.
public interface IFactory
IChair CreateChair();
ICouch CreateCouch();
ITable CreateTable();
// Implement a set of concrete factory classes, one for each product variant.
public class ArtDecoFactory: IFactory
public IChair CreateChair() { … }
public ICouch CreateCouch() { … }
public ITable CreateTable() { … }
public class VictorianFactory : IFactory { … }
public class ModernFactory : IFactory { … }
// Create factory initialization code. It should instantiate one of the concrete factory classes. Pass this object to all classes that construct products.
public class Client
public void Main()
SomeMethod(new ArtDecoFactory());
public void SomeMethod(IAbstractFactory factory)
var chair = factory.CreateChair();
var couch = factory.CreateCouch();
var table = factory.CreateTable();
Refactor existing code: Scan through code and find all direct class to product constructors. Replace them with calls to the appropriate creation method on the factory object.