Certificate Management

Find available encryption algorithms: certutil -oid 2 | findstr pwszCNGAlgid

Find available hash algorithms: certutil -oid 1 | findstr pwszCNGAlgid | findstr /v CryptOIDInfo

Find available CSPs: certutil -csplist

Disk Management

Recover flash drive

list disk
select disk *#*
create partition primary
list volume
select volume *#*
format fs=ntfs quick

Files & Directories

dir /p wildcard search # Pause at each screen dir /s wildcard search # traverse through Subdirectories as well

Find Local Administrators

net localgroup administrators

Mapping Drives

net use # show list of mapped drives net use DRIVE: PATH # map PATH to DRIVE net use DRIVE: PATH /persistent:Yes # make this drive mapping persistent net use DRIVE: PATH /user:USER PASSWORD # make this mapping with USER PASSWORD credentials net use DRIVE: /delete # delete this drive mapping net use * /delete # delete all mapped drives

Group Policy

gpresult /Scope User /view # all Policies applied to the current user
gpresult /Scope Computer /v # view all Policies applied to this computer
gpresult /h # instead of outputting to the console, save as HTML file
rsop.msc # Resultant Set of Policy report


Net Shell

netsh wlan show profile name=labnol key=clear # Find the wifi password of your current network netsh interface ipv4 set address name="*interface name* static *IP Address* *subnet mask* *gateway* # Change your IP address

Reset Network Adapter

netsh int ip reset
netsh winsock reset
ipconfig /release
ipconfig /flushdns
ipconfig /renew

OS Image Management

dism /online /cleanup-image /checkhealth # reports whether the image is healthy, repairable, or not repairable dism /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth # repairs a broken image

Performance Monitor

perfmon /report # Performance monitor system report


usage: robocopy *source* *destination* *options* common:

  • robocopy /S # copy Subdirectories
  • robocopy /B # copy files in Backup mode
  • robocopy /MIR # Mirror the source directory at the destination directory
  • robocopy /R:*n* # Retry n times
  • robocopy /W:*n* # Wait n seconds before retries
  • robocopy /L # List only (like –dry-run)
  • robocopy /X # Report all eXtra files, not just those selected
  • robocopy /V # Verbose logging
  • robocopy /FP # Include Full Pathname in the output
  • robocopy /LOG+:*file* # Output log to file, appending
  • robocopy /TEE # Output to console window as well as log file
  • robocopy /SAVE:JOB_NAME # Saves parameters to jobfile jobname
  • robocopy /LOAD:JOB_NAME # Loads parameters from jobfile jobname

robocopy "C:\Users\chris\Google Drive" Z:\public\google-drive /S /MIR /R:5 /W:30 /TEE /V /LOG+:C:\Users\chris\Dropbox\Logs\robocopy.log /SAVE:gdrive-to-optiplex

User Account


net user ACCOUNT_NAME /domain | find /I "Account Active"

If no: net user ACCOUNT_NAME /domain /active:YES

Windows Update Service

Restarting the Windows Update service

net stop bits
net stop wuauserv
net stop appidsvc
net stop cryptsvc