template for ppdac case studies

  • Problem: What question(s) were addressed? (Why? Why does it matter?)
    • Does distribution of outcome Y depend significantly on variable(s) X? How? On what else does Y depend?
  • Plan: How will we use data to address the question?
  • Data: Describe the data obtained. What are its strengths and limitations?
    • Variables, sample design and sample size, extent of missing data
    • Limitations of data: missing variables, missing values, study design (e.g., non-random sampling, sample selection biases), and data collection (e.g., variable coding)
  • Analysis:
    • Exploratory analysis: Explore and visualize the data, provide summary statistics and graphs, visualize with scatter plots etc.
    • Confirmatory analyses: Test hypotheses, quantify dependencies (e.g., with regression models, trees, PDPs) and uncertainties
  • Conclusion: Communicate the results, interpretation, conclusions
    • What was the answer to the question? What are the limitations of our study? § Uncertain assumptions, imperfect study design, imperfect data, remaining uncertainties
    • Interpretation: Decision recommendations and remaining uncertainties
    • What should be done next?

PPDAC model