Abstract [ Reference]
In regression-based supervised machine learning, the label predicted by the model is a numeric value.
training regression models
- Split the data (randomly) to create a training dataset and a validation dataset.
- Use a regression algorithm (perhaps linear regression) to fit the training data to a model.
- Use the validation dataset to test the model by predicting labels for the features.
- Evaluate the model’s performance by comparing the known actual labels in the validation dataset to the labels that the model predicted.
- Repeat with different algorithms and/or parameters.
regression model evaluation metrics
Mean Absolute Error (MAE)
The level by which the prediction varied from the actual.
Mean Squared Error (MSE)
Squares the individual errors to “amplify” larger errors.
- Useful for determining, along with the MAE, if the model makes many—but smaller—errors or fewer—but larger—errors.
- Because it squares the errors, it does not represent variance.
Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE)
The square root of the MSE (to get back to variance).
Coefficient of Determination ($R^2$)
Measures the proportion of variance in the validation results that can be explained by the model as opposed to some anomalous aspect of the validation data.
- It determines how fit the model is to the data.
- It is the sum of squared differences between predicted and actual labels with the sum of squared differences between the actual label values and the mean of actual label values:
- $R^2=1-\sum_{} {(y -\hat{y})^2} / \sum_{} {(y-\hat{y})^2}$
- The resulting value between 0 and 1 describes the proportion of the variance explained by the model.
- The closer the value is to $1$, the better the model fits the data.