Automatic Variables

$$Returns the last token in the last line received by the session
$^Returns the first token in the last line received by the session
$?Returns bool if the last command succeeded
$_Alias to $PSItem. Returns the current object in the pipeline object. Use in commands that perform an action on every object in the pipeline.
$ErrorReturns an array of error objects of the most recent errors
$HOMEReturns the full path of the user’s home directory (same as $env:USERPROFILE)
$HostAn object that represents the current host application for PowerShell
$LASTEXITCODEReturns the exit code of the last native program or PowerShell script ran
$PROFILEThe full path of the posh profile for the current user and current host application
$PSHOMEThe full path of the installation directory for posh
$PWDThe current working directory
$StackTraceThe stack trace for the most recent error

Chaining Commands

Run cmd2 only if cmd1 succeeds: cmd1 && cmd2
Run cmd2 only if cmd1 fails: cmd1 || cmd2
Run cmd1 and cmd2 regardless of cmd1’s result: cmd1; cmd2

Environment Variables




$Env:variable-name = "new-value"  
$Env:variable-name += "new-value-to-append"


[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('key', 'value', 'scope') # scope = machine or user

Set environment variables

Set an environment variable for this session only: set key="value"
Set an environment variable that persists: setx key="value"
Set the environment variable in system intead of user: setx /M key="value"
Set an environment variable that has a hierarchical key: set level1:level2="value"

  • The : separator is not recognized on all platforms. Use __ instead: set level1__level2="value"

Files & Directories

Cat Clipboard to File

Get-Clipboard | Out-File filename

Copy Files / Directories

copy /srcdir/subdir /dstdir/newsubdir -Recurse # copy /srcdir/subdir and all of its files and subdirectories to /dstdir/newsubdir and create it if it doesn't exist




gci -Path <starting-path> `
    -Include <glob> `
    -Directory <# if only directories should be returned, not files #>`
    -File <# if only files should be returned, not directories #>`
    -Exclude <glob>
    -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    -Recurse -Force


Get-ChildItem -Path ./*.<EXT> -Recurse | Select-String 
  -Pattern "<REGEX>" <# The pattern to match #>`
  -Context n,m <# Add n lines before and m lines after the match; matches are denoted with > #>
  -Raw # Don't output file names

Pipe to a File

cmd | out-file filename

Pipe to a File and Console

cmd | Tee-Object -File filename

Remove Directory Recursively

ri path -Recurse -Force

Remove File Recursively

Get-ChildItem  -Include .csv -Recurse | Remove-Item


Get-Content filename -Tail n

“tail -f”

Get-Content path -Tail 1 -Wait


ni filename

Write to a File

Set-Content -Path ./path/to/file.txt -Value 'Hello, World'

Write to a Specific Line in a File

$fileContent = Get-Content $filePath
$fileContent[$lineNumber-1] += $textToAdd
$fileContent | Set-Content $filePath


get-history # Stored in `%userprofile%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\PowerShell\PSReadline`

PowerShell version



AllUsersAllHosts, AllUsersCurrentHost, CurrentUserAllHosts, CurrentUserCurrentHost

Set a Profile

notepad $Profile.Location

System Folders


Windows Services

Get-Services [-DisplayName "glob"]