
Common patterns when using git.


Initializing a Repository

  1. Go to the project’s directory
  2. git init
  3. Go to GitHub and create repository
  4. git remote add <repository name> <GitHub URL>
  5. git add .
  6. git commit -m "Initial commit."
    1. git pull <name> main – Only needed if anything was added to GitHub repository directly (like README).
  7. git push --set-upstream <name> main

Renaming repositories

  1. git mv <old> <new>
  2. git commit
  3. git push
  4. git remote rename <old> <new>
  5. git remote set-url --add <new> <URL>
  6. git remote set-url --delete <new> <old URL>
  7. GitHub > repository > Settings > Rename
  8. Rename local directory

Cleaning a Remote Repository

git remote prune origin


Common Branching Workflow

Create a new branch and do some work

  1. git switch --create hotfix – Create and switch to branch hotfix
  2. git push --set-upstream <remote> hotfix – Create hotfix branch on remote
  3. Do work as normal.

Merge the new branch back into main

  1. git switch - or git switch main – Switch to branch main
  2. git merge hotfix – Merge branch hotfix into main
  3. git branch --delete hotfix – Delete branch hotfix locally
  4. git push <remote> --delete hotfix – Delete branch hotfix on remote
  5. git commit -m "Merged hotfix into main"
  6. git push

Renaming Branch “master” to “main”

  1. git branch -m master main
  2. git push -u origin main
  3. GitHub > Settings > Branches > master > main > Update
  4. git branch -u origin/main main
  5. GitHub > Branches > master > Delete this branch.

Delete a Remote Branch

git push -d origin <branch-name>