
git log – return commits made in this repository git log vX.X..vY.Y | helper-script > changelogs/Y.Y

git log <branch> – return commits of branch --all – return commits of all branches -<n> – return only the last n entries --after <date> – only return results after ; format of is either YYY-MM-DD or relative --before <date> – only return results before --all – return commit history for all branches --decorate – return where the branch pointers are pointing --follow – list version history for a file, including renames --graph – return an ASCII graph depicting branch and merge history --no-merges – do not return merge commits --pretty – return pretty-printed results --pretty=oneline – return each commit on a single line. also short, full and fuller --pretty=format – return results formatted with a specification language --patch – return the difference introduced in each commit --relative-dated – isplay dates in a relative format (“2 weeks ago”) --stat – return abbreviated stats for each commit -S string – return only commits that changed the number of occurrences of string -- path – return only results that introduced changes to file(s) at path