
Tag Helpers extend standard HTML elements. They provide extra server-side attributes for an HTML element.

partial tag helper

Asynchronously renders a partial view.
Note that the name attribute accepts the partial view’s name without its file extension:

<partial name="_ValidationScriptsPartial" />

This is equivalent to Razor HTML Helper syntax:

@{await Html.RenderPartialAsync("_ValidationScriptsPartial");}

label tag helper

Extends the HTML <label> element:

The asp-for attribute accepts a PageModel property. The value of the PageModel’s Name property will be rendered as the content for the

Input Tag Helper Extends the HTML element:

It renders this HTML:

This helper: • Evaluates NewPizza.Name property • Adds an id and name HTML attribute based on that property • Sets the input type. For example, if the property’s type was bool, it would set the input type as checkbox. • Provides client-side validation via jQuery based on the model’s data annotation attributes from the PageModel. • If client-side validation succeeded, it prompts the Razor engine to perform further server-side validation.

Validation Summary Tag Helper Displays a validation message for a single property: <divasp-validation-summary=“All”>

It renders this HTML: