From Pluralsight/ASP.NET Core 6 Fundamentals


View components are view content that does require code to execute in order to render.

  • They only display partial content. They consist of a class and a view (much like a Controller and a View).
  • They have their own code that executes to render content.
  • They support dependency injection.
  • They have a “code part” placed in /Components/ViewComponentName.cs
  • They have a “view part” placed in /Shared/Components/ViewComponentName/Default.cshtml

Creating a View Component

Three approaches:

  1. A class that derives from ViewComponent
  2. A class decorated with the [ViewComponent] attribute
  3. A class suffixed with ViewComponent

Approach #1:

// ViewComponent classes must be public, non-abstract, and non-nested:
public class ShoppingCartSummary : ViewComponent
    // functionality to execute must be placed in this method:
    public IViewComponentResult Invoke()
        return View(model);

Using a View Component

Via Component’s InvokeAsync method:

@await Component.InvokeAsync("ShoppingCartSummary");

Via a tag helper:
