Tag helpers are plain C# classes that inherit from TagHelper.
They can be placed anywhere and must be named NameOfElementTagHelper
They override Process or ProcessAsync.
This method returns HTML which is inserted where the tag helper is invoked.
public class EmailTagHelper : TagHelper
public void override Process(TagHelperContext context, TagHelperOutput output)
// mailto links use the anchor tag, so the tag name of this output will be "a"
output.TagName = "a";
// set the href attribute to the value of mailto:<address>:
output.Attributes.SetAttribute("href", "mailto:" + Address);
// content goes between the open and closing tags:
Add the Tag Helper to imports:@addTagHelper BethanysPieShop.TagHelpers.*, BethanysPieShop
using custom tag helpers
The above Tag Helper creates a new element called email:
content="Contact us">
testing tag helpers
Assuming this tag helper:
public class EmailTagHelper : TagHelper
public string? Address { get; set; }
public string? Content { get; set; }
public override void Process(TagHelperContext context, TagHelperOutput output)
// mailto links use the anchor tag, so the tag name of this output will be "a"
output.TagName = "a";
// set the href attribute to the value of mailto:<address>:
output.Attributes.SetAttribute("href", "mailto:" + Address);
// content goes between the open and closing tags:
Here is a test class for it:
public void Generates_Email_Link()
// Arrange
var emailTagHelper = new EmailTagHelper() { Address="test@bethanyspieshop.com", Content="Email" }; ;
var tagHelperContext = new TagHelperContext(
new TagHelperAttributeList(),
new Dictionary<object, object>(), string.Empty);
var content = new Mock<TagHelperContent>();
var tagHelperOutput = new TagHelperOutput("a",
new TagHelperAttributeList(),
(cache, encoder) => Task.FromResult(content.Object));
// Act
emailTagHelper.Process(tagHelperContext, tagHelperOutput);
// Assert
Assert.Equal("Email", tagHelperOutput.Content.GetContent());
Assert.Equal("a", tagHelperOutput.TagName);
Assert.Equal("mailto:test@bethanyspieshop.com", tagHelperOutput.Attributes[0].Value);