From Pluralsight/ASP.NET Core 6 Fundamentals

Creating a Form Using Tag Helpers

ASP.NET Core has built-in Tag Helpers for creating forms:

  • Form
    • asp-controller to specify which controller to target on a form’s POST action
    • asp-action to specify which action to target on a form’s POST action
    • asp-route-* to create a route where * can be the name of a parameter we want to specify a value for
    • asp-route to specify which named route to use
    • asp-antiforgery to counter cross-site request forgery attacks
  • Input
  • Label
  • Textarea
  • Select
  • Validation

Get the name of the property we want to display via the asp-for attribute on the label tag helper:
<label asp-for="FirstName"></label>

…which generates this HTML:

<label for="Firstname">FirstName</label>

Form Tag Helper

The form tag helper enables CSFR attack mitigations by default.

    <!-- trigger the Checkout action on current controller since no other controller specified -->
	<form asp-action="Checkout" 
		 method="post" role="form">
		 <!-- ... -->