Testing with bUnit - Overview
bUnit extends other unit testing frameworks (xUnit, Nunit, MSTest, etc) for Blazor-specific unit tests.
- includes a semantic HTML comparer so that not all possible cases must be manually tested.
- supports dependency injection and passing parameters
- testing user interactions and event handlers
- testing IJSRuntime
- testing authorization
- mocking an HttpClient
simple unit test example
public void CanUpdatePiePrice()
// Arrange
var pie = new Pie() { Name = "Sample pie", Price = 12.95M };
// Act
pie.Price = 20M;
// Assert
Assert.Equal(20M, pie.Price);
using bunit
- Install the bUnit Visual Studio template
dotnet new --install bunit.template
- Create a bUnit project
dotnet new bunit --framework xunit -o project-name
- Add the bUnit project to your Solution
- From the bUnit project, add a project reference to the main project
- Start writing unit tests
writing unit tests
bUnit supports writing tests in C# (.cs
) or Razor files (.razor
razor example
Assuming this Component:MainProject/Components/SampleComponent.razor
@if (@MessageCount > 0)
<h4>You currently have @MessageCount questions from employees!</h4>
<h4>No questions from employees! All good!</h4>
public int MessageCount { get; set; }
Unit test for the above Component:TestProject/SampleComponentTests.razor
@code {
public void RenderSampleComponentWithValueGreaterThanZero()
// Arrange
// TestContext provides access to the Component
using var ctx = new TestContext();
// Act
// cut = component under test
// use the context's Render method and pass in the Component to be tested, including a test value for the MessageCount parameter:
var cut = ctx.Render(@<SampleComponent MessageCount="3" />);
// Assert
// pass in the expected HTML output:
cut.MarkupMatches("<h3>Inbox</h3><h4>You currently have 3 questions from employees!</h4>");
public void RenderSampleComponentWithZero()
// Arrange
using var ctx = new TestContext();
// Act
var cut = ctx.Render(@<SampleComponent MessageCount="0" />);
// Assert
cut.MarkupMatches("<h3>Inbox</h3><h4>No questions from employees! All good!</h4>");
Alternatively, inherit TestContext
to avoid creating one in each method:
@inherits TestContext
public void RenderSampleComponentWithValueGreaterThanZero()
var cut = ctx.Render(@<SampleComponent MessageCount="3" />);
cut.MarkupMatches("<h3>Inbox</h3><h4>You currently have 3 questions from employees!</h4>");
// ...
test only a part of a component
@using BethanysPieShopHRM.Shared.Domain
@inherits TestContext
private Employee _employee;
public EmployeeCardTests()
var jobCategory = new JobCategory { JobCategoryId = 3, JobCategoryName = "Management" };
var country = new Country { CountryId = 1, Name = "Belgium" };
_employee = new Employee()
MaritalStatus = MaritalStatus.Single,
BirthDate = new DateTime(1989, 3, 11),
City = "Brussels",
Email = "bethany@bethanyspieshop.com",
EmployeeId = 1,
FirstName = "Bethany",
LastName = "Smith",
Gender = Gender.Female,
PhoneNumber = "324777888978978",
Smoker = false,
Street = "Grote Markt 1",
Zip = "1000",
JobCategory = jobCategory,
JobCategoryId = jobCategory.JobCategoryId,
Comment = "Lorem Ipsum",
ExitDate = null,
JoinedDate = new DateTime(2015, 3, 1),
Country = country,
CountryId = country.CountryId
public void RenderEmployeeCardDetailNavLink()
// render the Component:
var cut = Render(@<EmployeeCard Employee="_employee" />);
// find an element by ID and test that its markup matches
// note that the attributes listed (href, id, class) do not have to be in the same order as in the code:
@"<a href=""employeeedit/1"" id=""detailnavlink"" class=""btn btn-outline-primary btn-sm mb-1"">Edit employee</a>");
writing advanced unit tests
testing an injected service
@using BethanysPieShopHRM.App.Components.Widgets
@using BethanysPieShopHRM.App
@inherits TestContext
public InboxWidgetTests()
// bUnit exposes the services collection on the TestContext, so services can be injected into the test:
public void RenderInboxWidgetWIthValueGreaterThanZero()
// access the ApplicationState service:
var applicationState = this.Services.GetService<ApplicationState>();
applicationState.NumberOfMessages = 5;
var cut = Render(@<InboxWidget />);
cut.MarkupMatches("<h3>Inbox</h3><h4>You currently have 5 questions from employees!</h4>");