
Use NavigationManager to manage URIs and navigation in C# code. NavigationManager is added to the DI container by the framework (no registration required).

[Inject] // injects a NavigationManager instance
public NavigationManager NavMan { get; set; }

NavigationManager uses the browser’s history API to maintain navigation history.

NavigateManager’s NavigateTo method accepts NavigationOptions:

  • ForceLoad — bypass client-side routing and force the browser to load the new page from the server; default = false
  • ReplaceHistoryEntry — replace teh current entry in the history stack; default = true; if false, append instead of replace
  • HistoryEntryState — get or set the state to append to the history entry

location changes

NavigationManager’s LocationChanged event has LocationChangedEventArgs that provide information about navigation events including:

  • Location — the URL of the new location
  • IsNavigationIntercepted — boolean if Blazor intercepted the navigation from the browser


@page "/navigate"
<!-- IDisposable is implemented to unhook the event handler method when Dispose is called by the framework: -->
@implements IDisposable
<!-- NavigationManager is injected: -->
@inject NavigationManager Navigation

<h1>Navigate in component code example</h1>

<button class="btn btn-primary" @onclick="NavigateToCounterComponent">
    Navigate to the Counter component
@code {
    private void NavigateToCounterComponent()

    protected override void OnInitialized()
        // The HandleLocationChanged event handler method is hooked to the LocationChanged event:
        Navigation.LocationChanged += HandleLocationChanged;

    // The event handler method is defined:
    private void HandleLocationChanged(object? sender, LocationChangedEventArgs e)
        // do something

    public void Dispose()
        // When this component is diposed, the event handler method is unhooked from the event:
        Navigation.LocationChanged -= HandleLocationChanged;

Handling/Preventing Location Changes with LocationChangingContext

NavigationManager has a RegisterLocationChangingHandler method that registers a handler to process incoming navigation events. RegisterLocationChangingHandler:

  • Accepts as its parameter any method with a ValueTask return type and a LocationChangingContext parameter
  • Returns an IDisposable that can be disposed to unregister the location changing handler

LocationChangingContext has the following properties:

  • TargetLocation — gets the target location
  • HistoryEntryState — gets the state associated with the target history entry
  • IsNavigationIntercepted — boolean whether navigation was intercepted from a link
  • PreventNavigation — called to prevent navigation from continuing
  • CancellationToken

Location changing handlers are normally registered in OnAfterRender{Async}. These handlers are on any internal navigation event:

  • NavigationMangager.NavigateTo is called
  • Internal links are selected
  • The browser’s forward and back buttons are used


@page "/nav-handler"
@inject NavigationManager Navigation
@implements IDisposable

    <button @onclick="@(() => Navigation.NavigateTo("/"))">
        Home (Allowed)
    <button @onclick="@(() => Navigation.NavigateTo("/counter"))">
        Counter (Prevented)
@code {
    // This IDisposable will be assigned the IDisposable that's returned from RegisterLocationChangingHandler()
    private IDisposable? registration;

    protected override void OnAfterRender(bool firstRender)
        if (firstRender)
            // Now set to RegisterLocationChangingHandler's IDisposable
            registration = Navigation.RegisterLocationChangingHandler(OnLocationChanging);

    // Note that this method must return a ValueTask and have a LocationChangingContext parameter:
    private ValueTask OnLocationChanging(LocationChangingContext context)
        if (context.TargetLocation == "/counter")
            // LocationChangingContext's PreventNavigation method is used:

        return ValueTask.CompletedTask;

    // The LocationChangingHandler is disposed:
    public void Dispose() => registration?.Dispose();

Handling/Preventing Location Changes with NavigationLock

The NavigationLock component can intercept navigation events as long as it has rendered. It “locks” any navigation until a decision is made to proceed or cancel. NavigationLock should be used when navigation can be scoped to the lifetime of the component.

NavigationLock has two parameters:

  • ConfirmExternalNavigation — boolean if a browser dialog should prompt the user to confirm or cancel navigation; default = false
  • OnBeforeInternalNavigation — accepts a LocationChangingContext for internal navigation events



@page "/nav-lock"
@inject IJSRuntime JSRuntime
@inject NavigationManager Navigation

<NavigationLock ConfirmExternalNavigation="true" 
    OnBeforeInternalNavigation="OnBeforeInternalNavigation" />

    <button @onclick="Navigate">Navigate</button>

    <a href="">Microsoft homepage</a>
@code {
    private void Navigate()

    private async Task OnBeforeInternalNavigation(LocationChangingContext context)
        var isConfirmed = await JSRuntime.InvokeAsync<bool>("confirm", 
            "Are you sure you want to navigate to the Index page?");

        if (!isConfirmed)