Complex web apps achieve separation of concerns by separating page content (HTML), layout and styling (CSS), and behavior (JavaScript).


HTML elements represent formatted text, images, form inputs, and other structures.


CSS controls the look and layout of HTML elements. CSS styles can be applied to:

CSS preprocessors

CSS stylesheets do not support conditional logic, variables, or other programming language features.
CSS preprocessors (like Sass (Ruby-based) and LESS (JavaScript-based)) add this support.
A plain CSS file is valid Sass or LESS.


Can be defined as attributes within HTML elements, blocks of script within a page, or in separate files.


Working with JavaScript generally requires:

  1. Selecting an HTML element and reading/writing its value
  2. Querying a Web API for data
  3. Sending a command to a Web API
  4. Performing validation

jQuery and other libraries simplify this process.
jQuery works at the DOM level and only has an imperative model (ie: an event handler with code that inspect a textbox’s value and sets the visibility of the target element based on that value). Data binding (which is declarative) generally achieves these tasks with less code.

Angular SPAs

Angular 2 is built with TypeScript. Offers a full MVC pattern implementation.

Angular applications are built with Components:

import { Component } from '@angular/core'; 

	selector: 'my-app', // The id of the element where this component is used
	template: `<h1>Hello {{name}}</h1>` // name is a placeholder

export class AppComponent { name = 'Angular'; } // The name of the component

eShopOnContainers includes an Angular SPA implementation; Angular is used to manage the store’s shopping basket, load and display items from its catalog, and handle order creation.


Only concerned with Views. Not a framework—just a library.
Uses a virtual DOM (advantages: performance (virtual DOM optimizes which parts of actual DOM need to be updated), testability (no need to have a browser)).
Adds HTML directly within its JavaScript code as JSX:

{ => 
		<li key={}>{}</li>


A progressive framework for building user interfaces. Core library focuses on View layer only.

Blazor WASM

A SPA framework for building interactive client-side web apps with .NET.
Uses open web standards, not plugins or recompiling code to other languages.

WASM is a compact bytecode format optimized for fast download and execution speed.
WASM has JavaScript interop.