Abstract [ Documentation]

Routing is matching incoming HTTP requests and dispatching them to the app’s executable endpoints.
Endpoints are the app’s units of executable request-handling code.

Routing can be configured via controllers, Razor Pages, SignalR, gRPC services, middleware, and delegates & lambdas registered with routing.


Endpoints handle requests and execute code to generate a response. They are defined in Program.cs.

Basic Routing Example

var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);
var app = builder.Build();

// This is an endpoint:
app.MapGet("/", () => "Hello World!"); // When a request is sent to /, "Hello World" is written to the response


If the request is not a GET request or the root of the URL is not /, no route is matched and an HTTP/404 is returned.

More Topics…

  • URL generation reference
    • Troubleshooting URL generation with logging
    • Addresses
    • Ambient value and explicit values
    • URL generation process
    • Problems with route value invalidation
  • Parse URL paths with LinkParser
  • Configure endpoint metadata
  • Host matching in routes with RequireHost
  • Route groups
  • Performance guidance for routing
    • Potentially expensive routing features
    • Guidance for large route tables
  • Guidance for library authors