
HTTP logging middleware logs information about incoming HTTP requests and HTTP responses including common properties, headers, and the body.

Caution: HTTP logging can reduce the performance of an app, especially when logging request/response bodies.
Warning: HTTP logging can potentially log personally identifiable information.


  1. Call AddHttpLogging and UseHttpLogging:
    var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);
    // the empty lambda here uses default logging options:
    builder.Services.AddHttpLogging(o => { });
    var app = builder.Build();
    if (!app.Environment.IsDevelopment())
    app.MapGet("/", () => "Hello World!");
  2. Update appsettings.Development.json at the "LogLevel" statement:
    "Microsoft.AspNetCore.HttpLogging.HttpLoggingMiddleware": "Information"


order of precedence

Logging configuration follows this order of precedence:

  1. Global configuration from HttpLoggingOptions (set by calling AddHttpLogging)
  2. Endpoint-specific configuration (via WithHttpLogging extension method (Minimal API apps) or [HttpLogging] attribute (Controller-based apps))
  3. IHttpLoggingInterceptor


Use the lambda in AddHttpLogging to configure HttpLoggingOptions:

// ...
builder.Services.AddHttpLogging(logging =>
    logging.LoggingFields = HttpLoggingFields.All;
    logging.RequestBodyLogLimit = 4096;
    logging.ResponseBodyLogLimit = 4096;
    logging.CombineLogs = true;
// ...

Note: to enable static file HTTP logging, call UseHttpLogging before the call to UseStaticFiles.

Details on HttpLoggingOptions

From the above example:

  • HttpLoggingOptions.LoggingFields — an enum that configures specific parts of the request and response to log
  • HttpLoggingOptions.RequestHeaders and ResponseHeaders — collections of header names to log. In the above example, sec-ch-ua request headers are logged.
  • HttpLoggingOptions.MediaTypeOptions — provides configuration for selecting which encoding to use for a specific media type.
    • This approach can also be used to log, for example, form data (which is not normally logged), but specifying a media type such as application/x-www-form-urlencoded or multipart/form-data.
    • MediaTypeOptions includes methods AddText, AddBinary, and Clear.
  • HttpLoggingOptions.RequestBodyLogLimit and ResponseBodyLogLimit — set the limit, in bytes, to which to limit the logging of a request or response body.
  • HttpLoggingOptions.CombineLogs — boolean if all logs for a request and response should be consolidated into one log at the end.

endpoint logging configuration

in minimal api apps

Use WithHttpLogging extension method:

app.MapGet("/response", () => "Hello World! (logging response)")

In Controller-based Apps

Use [HttpLogging] attribute:

app.MapGet("/duration", [HttpLogging(loggingFields: HttpLoggingFields.Duration)]
    () => "Hello World! (logging duration)");

IHttpLoggingInterceptor [ Documentation]

An interface for a service that can be implemented to handle per-request and per-response callbacks for customizing what details get logged.