
ℹ️ Important

Availability: .NET 7

Rate limiting is built into .NET 7.

Built-in Rate Limiting Algorithms

Namespace System.Threading.RateLimiting Abstract type RateLimiter


RateLimiter limiter = new ConcurrencyLimiter(
    new ConcurrencyLimiterOptions(
        permitLimit: 2,
        queueProcessingOrder: QueueProcessingOrder.OldestFirst,
        queueLimit: 2

concurrency limit

Define a maximum number of concurrent requests that can access a resource.

token bucket limit

  • A bucket is filled with tokens.
  • Each request permanently consumes a token.
  • At interval, more tokens are added to the bucket.

fixed window limit

  • During a window of X minutes, Y requests are allowed.
  • After X minutes, Y more requests are allowed.

sliding window limit

partitioned rate limiter

rate limiting middleware

Namespace Microsoft.AspNetCore.RateLimiting

Client-side Rate Limiting

  1. Implement a custom DelegatingHandler subclass to intercept and handle requests before they are sent to the server:

    internal sealed class ClientSideRateLimitedHandler : DelegatingHandler, IAsyncDisposable
        private readonly RateLimiter _rateLimiter;
        // This class receives a RateLimiter when it is constructed:
        public ClientSideRateLimitedHandler(RateLimiter limiter) : base(new HttpClientHandler()) => _rateLimiter = limiter;
        // This method is overridden to intercept and handle requests before they are sent to the server:
        protected override async Task<HttpResponseMessage> SendAsync(
            HttpRequestMessage request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            // Get a RateLimitLease from the RateLimiter:
            using RateLimitLease lease = await _rateLimiter.AcquireAsync(permitCount: 1, cancellationToken);
            if (lease.IsAcquired)
                // If the lease is acquired, the request is sent to the server:
                return await base.SendAsync(request, cancellationToken);
            // Otherwise, prepare an HTTP/429 response:
            var response = new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.TooManyRequests);
            // If the lease has a RetryAfter value, set the Retry-After header to that value:
            if (lease.TryGetMetadata(MetadataName.RetryAfter, out TimeSpan retryAfter))
            return response;
        // RateLimiters must be disposed:
        async ValueTask IAsyncDisposable.DisposeAsync()
            await _rateLimiter.DisposeAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
            Dispose(disposing: false);
        protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
            if (disposing)
  2. Emulate many concurrent requests with a console app that creates an HttpClient with the ClientSideRateLimitedHandler

    var options = new TokenBucketRateLimiterOptions
        TokenLimit = 8, 
        QueueProcessingOrder = QueueProcessingOrder.OldestFirst,
        QueueLimit = 3, 
        ReplenishmentPeriod = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1), 
        TokensPerPeriod = 2, 
        AutoReplenishment = true
    // Create an HTTP client with the client-side rate limited handler.
    using HttpClient client = new(
        handler: new ClientSideRateLimitedHandler(
        limiter: new TokenBucketRateLimiter(options)));
    // Create 100 urls with a unique query string.
    var oneHundredUrls = Enumerable.Range(0, 100).Select(i => $"https://example.com?iteration={i:0#}");
    // Flood the HTTP client with requests.
    var floodOneThroughFortyNineTask = Parallel.ForEachAsync(
        source: oneHundredUrls.Take(0..49), 
        body: (url, cancellationToken) => GetAsync(client, url, cancellationToken));
    var floodFiftyThroughOneHundredTask = Parallel.ForEachAsync(
        source: oneHundredUrls.Take(^50..),
        body: (url, cancellationToken) => GetAsync(client, url, cancellationToken));
    await Task.WhenAll(floodOneThroughFortyNineTask, floodFiftyThroughOneHundredTask);
    static async ValueTask GetAsync(HttpClient client, string url, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        using var response = await client.GetAsync(url, cancellationToken);
        Console.WriteLine($"URL: {url}, HTTP status code: {response.StatusCode} ({(int)response.StatusCode})");