primitive types

Value types store on the stack.

signed integrals

For Integers (zero, positive, and negative whole numbers).

.NET TypeC# AliasRangeSuffix
System.Sbytesbyte-128 to 127
System.Int16short-32768 to 32767
System.Int32int-2147483648 to 2147483647
System.Int64long-9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807lor L

unsigned integrals

For Cardinals (zero and positive whole numbers).

.NET TypeC# AliasRangeSuffix
System.Bytebyte0 to 255
System.Uint16ushort0 to 65535
System.Uint32uint0 to 4294967295uor U
System.Uint64ulong0 to 18446744073709551615ulor UL

Native-sized Integers

The aliases nint and nuint are for native-sized integers, meaning that they store a 32-bit integer for 32-bit processors and 64-bit integers for 64-bit processors.

unicode characters

.NET TypeC# AliasRange
System.CharcharU+OOOO to U+FFFF

Characters can be created with:

  • Character literal: 'j'
  • Unicode escape: '\u0006'
  • Hex escape: '\x006A'
  • Cast: (char)106

floating point types

For Reals (floating point numbers)

.NET TypeC# AliasRangeSuffixPrecision
System.Singlefloat-3.402823E+38 to 3.402823E+38f or F~6-9 digits
System.Doubledouble-1.79769313486232E+308 to 1.79769313486232E+308d or D~15-17 digits
  • double.NaN represents not-a-number (like dividing by zero).
  • double.Epsilon represents the smallest positive number that can be stored in a double.

For Accurate Reals (use in science, engineering, or financial applications)

.NET TypeC# AliasRangeSuffixPrecision
System.Decimaldecimal-79228162514264337593543950335 to 79228162514264337593543950335m or M28-29 digits


  • System.Numerics.BigInteger - An integer with no lower or upper bounds.
  • System.Numerics.Complex - Complex numbers.
  • System.Numerics.Quaternion - Quaternion numbers.


.NET TypeC# Alias


+ - / % and:

  • Increment: ++
  • Decrement: --
  • Assignment: += -=
  • Exponents: There is no exponent operator. Use System.Math.Pow().

increment and decrement operators

++ and -- can be used before or after the value.


All types have these methods:

  • Equals(object) - Boolean if the current type equals object.
  • GetType() - Return the type.
  • ToString() - Converts a given type to a string.