access modifiers

  • public – Access is unrestricted.
  • private – Access is limited to this type in this assembly only.
  • protected – Access is limited to this type or derivatives, or derivatives in a referenced assembly.
  • internal – Access is limited to this assembly only.
  • protected internal – Combination of protected + internal.
  • private protected – Combination of private + protected.
ModifierThis Assembly (Derived Type)This Assembly (Other Type)External Assembly (Derived Type)External Assembly (Other Type)
protected (internal)yesyesyesno
private (internal)yesnonono

other modifiers

  • virtual – This member may be overridden in a derived type.
  • abstract – This type must be overridden in a derived type.
    • It has no implementation.
    • It cannot be instantiated.
  • override – This member provides a new implementation of the base type’s virtual or abstract member.
  • sealed – This type cannot be further overridden in a derived type (meaning that is also cannot be abstract).

access modifiers for members

The accessibility of the return type and parameter types of a method, indexer, or delegate must be >= that of the member itself:

  • For a public method M that returns class C, C must also be public.
  • For a protected property of Type A, A cannot be private.

struct members

Default: private
Options: public, internal, private

class members

Default: private
Options: public, protected, internal, protected internal, private protected, private

interface members

Default: public
Options: public, protected, internal, protected internal, private protected, private

enumeration members

Always public. No access modifiers allowed.


Must always be public and static.


Finalizers cannot have access modifiers.

file Modifier

Restricts top-level type’s scope and visibility to the file in which it is declared.
Declares a file-local type.
Generally applied to types written by a source generator.


// Only visible in Classes.cs
file class HiddenClass 
    // ...   