

dotnet tool install <package_name>
    --global # install the tool globally
    --local # install the tool locally

Diagnostic tools

dotnet-countersfor first-level health monitoring and performance investigation
dotnet-dumpfor collecting and analyzing Windows and Linux core dumps without a native debugger
dotnet-gcdumpfor collecting garbage collector dumps of live .NET processes
dotnet-monitorfor monitoring .NET applications in production environments and to collect diagnostic artifacts


See notes on HttpRepl


dotnet-monitor collectMonitor an application, collect diagnostic artifacts, and send them to a specified destination
dotnet-monitor config showShows dotnet-monitor’s current configuration
dotnet-monitor generatekeyGenerate an API key and hash for HTTP authentication

Other Tools


Manages OpenAPI references in a project.
Package: microsoft.dotnet-openapi


The Add subcommands add an OpenAPI reference to the project file:

<OpenAPiReference Include="openapi.json" />

add <file>

dotnet openapi add file
    [-p project] # the project to operate on
    [-c nswagcsharp|nswagtypescript] # the code generator to apply to the reference; defaults to nswagcsharp
    <file> # like ./OpenAPI.json 

add <url>

dotnet openapi add url
    [-p project] # the project to operate on
    [-o <output-file>] # where to store the local copy of the OpenAPI file
    [-c nswagcsharp|nswagtypescript] # the code generator to apply to the reference; defaults to nswagcsharp
    <url> # like https://www.example.com/openapi.json 


Deletes the OpenAPI reference. Clients will not be generated.

dotnet openapi remove 
    [-p project] # the project to operate on
    <file> # like ./OpenAPI.json


Refresh the local file with the latest content from the URL:

dotnet openapi refresh
    [-p project] # the project to operate on
    <url> # like https://www.example.com/openapi.json