
dotnet watch is a file watcher. If the application supports hot reload, this command hot reloads the application whenever a code change is detected. If not, it restarts the application.

  • dotnet watch can run any command dispatched via the dotnet executable. If you can run dotnet COMMAND, you can run dotnet watch COMMAND.
  • While dotnet watch is running, you can force a restart from the shell with Ctrl+R.
  • Arguments passed after -- are sent to the child dotnet process. If running dotnet watch run, these arguments are options for dotnet run.


  • --list — list all discovered files
  • --no-hot-reload — watch, but do not hot reload on change
  • --non-interactive — prevent console input from being requested

files watched by default

All items in the Compile, EmbeddedResource, and Watch groups of the project file that match these glob patterns:

  • **/*.cs
  • *.csproj
  • **/*.resx
  • wwwroot/**

To add or remove watched files: SomeProject.csproj

    <Watch Include="**\*.js" 
           Exclude="bin\**\*" />