

dotnet build Build (compile) the executable for the app.


dotnet <command> --diagnostics # Enable diagnostic output.
dotnet <command> --verbosity <level> # Levels are (q)uiet, (m)inimal, (n)ormal, (d)etailed, (diag)nostic.
dotnet new globaljson --sdk-version <ver> # Create a global.json file to target the .NET SDK version ver.
  • The dotnet command searches the current directory and subdirectories for a global.json file, so this can be created in a subdirectory of the project.

Getting Information

dotnet --info # List information on .NET installation, machine environment, etc
dotnet --list-runtimes # List the installed .NET runtimes.
dotnet --list-sdks # List the installed .NET SDKs.
dotnet new --list # List currently installed templates.

Maintenance Commands

dotnet clean # Delete temporary files.
dotnet sdk check # Check versions of .NET SDKs and runtimes installed; warn if any are out of date.

Managing Packages

dotnet add package <package> # Download, install, and add package to project. Also updates a package.
                            --version <ver> # Optionally, use version of package.
dotnet list package # List installed packages.
                    --include-transitive # List installed packages and their dependencies.
                    --outdated # List outdated packages.
dotnet remove package <package> # Uninstall a package.
dotnet pack # Create a NuGet package for the project.
dotnet tool install <package> # Install a global package (tool).
dotnet new -i <package> # Install a template.

Managing Projects

dotnet new console # Create a new console project in the CWD.
                    -f FRAMEWORK # Create a new console project using framework version framework.
                    -o APPNAME # Create a new console project in subfolder APPNAME.
dotnet restore # Install dependencies for a new or cloned project.


dotnet add app/app.csproj reference lib/lib.csproj # Add lib/lib.csproj as a reference to app/app.csproj
dotnet add reference app/app.csproj # Add app/app.csproj as a reference to the project in the current directory

Running Projects

dotnet run # Build then run the project in the CWD.
            -- arg,  # Pass arg1 as a command line argument.
dotnet watch run # Start a file watch that runs a command when a file changes. Useful for hot reload in ASP.NET.


dotnet test # Run all discovered tests.
            --list-test # List all discovered tests.

dotnet watch

A file watcher. If the application supports hot reload, this command hot reloads the application whenever a code change is detected. If not, it restarts the application.

  • dotnet watch can run any command dispatched via the dotnet executable. If you can run dotnet COMMAND, you can run dotnet watch COMMAND.
  • While dotnet watch is running, you can force a restart from the shell with Ctrl+R.
  • Arguments passed after -- are sent to the child dotnet process. If running dotnet watch run, these arguments are options for dotnet run.


  • --list — list all discovered files
  • --no-hot-reload — watch, but do not hot reload on change
  • --non-interactive — prevent console input from being requested

Files Watched by Default

All items in the Compile, EmbeddedResource, and Watch groups of the project file that match these glob patterns:

  • **/*.cs
  • *.csproj
  • **/*.resx
  • wwwroot/**

To add or remove watched files: SomeProject.csproj

    <Watch Include="**\*.js" 
           Exclude="bin\**\*" />

dotnet workload

dotnet workload install <WORKLOAD_ID> # Install one or more workloads.
dotnet workload update Update all installed workloads.
dotnet workload list # List workloads available.
dotnet workload search <SEARCH_STRING> # Search for available workloads.
dotnet workload uninstall <WORKLOAD_ID> # Uninstall one or more workloads.
dotnet workload repair # Repair workload installations.
dotnet workload restore <PROJECT | SOLUTION> # Restore workloads required for a project.