Overview [ Documentation]

Validating Calls

Assuming this code:

public interface ICommand 
    void Execute();

    event EventHandler Executed;

public class SomethingThatNeedsACommand 
    ICommand command;

    public SomethingThatNeedsACommand(ICommand command) => this.command = command;

    public void DoSomething() { command.Execute(); }
    public void DoNothing { }

To Methods

Validate a Method was Called

public void Should_execute_command() 
    var command = Substitute.For<ICommand>();
    var something = new SomethingThatNeedsACommand(command);
    // Assert
    command.Received().Execute(); // Successful because command received a call to its Execute method.

    // Or, assert that a method was called a specific number of times:

To confirm a method was called regardless of arguments:


calculator.ReceivedWithAnyArgs().Add(default, default);

Validate a Method Was Not Called

var command = Substitute.For<ICommand>();
var something = new SomethingThatNeedsACommand(command);



To confirm a method was not called regardless of arguments:


calculator.DidNotReceiveWithAnyArgs().Subtract(default, default);

Validate a Method was Called with Specific Arguments

calculator.Add(1, 2);
calculator.Add(-100, 100);

// Validate method received call with second arg of 2 and any first arg:
calculator.Received().Add(Arg.Any<int>(), 2);

// Validate method received call with first arg less than 0, and second arg of 100:
calculator.Received().Add(Arg.Is<int>(x => x < 0), 100);

// Validate method did not receive a call where second arg is >= 500 and any first arg:
calculator.DidNotReceive().Add(Arg.Any<int>(), Arg.Is<int>(x => x >= 500));

Clear Previous Method calls


To Properties

calculator.Mode = "Test";

// Validate a call to a getter:
_ = calculator.Received().Mode; // OK

// Validate a call to a setter:
calculator.Received().Mode = "Test 2"; // Fails

To Indexers

var dictionary = Substitute.For<IDictionary<string, int>>();
dictionary["test"] = 1;

dictionary.Received()["test"] = 1;
dictionary.Received()["test"] = Arg.Is<int>(x => x < 5);

Validating Event Subscriptions

See https://nsubstitute.github.io/help/received-calls/#checking-event-subscriptions

Validating Event Invocation

See https://nsubstitute.github.io/help/received-calls/#checking-event-invocation