

Channels can be thought of as any other common generic collection type such as List<T>. This collection manages synchronization and provides various consumption models through factory creation options.

Depending on how a Channel<T> is created, its reader and writer behave differently.

  • Regardless of how it is created, a channel will always throw a ChannelClosedException if it is used after it has been closed.
  • Whenever a Channel<TWrite,TRead>.Writer produces faster than a Channel<TWrite,TRead>.Reader can consume, the channel experiences back pressure.


To create a channel that specifies at maximum capacity, call Channel.CreateBounded. Optionally, include BoundedChannelOptions. To create a channel that is used by any number of readers and writers concurrently, call Channel.CreateUnbounded. Optionally, include UnboundedChannelOptions.

Unbounded Channels

The channel’s capacity is unbounded and all writes are performed synchronously.


var channel = Channel.CreateUnbounded<T>();


Assume you’re creating a solution for a GPS device to track the coordinates of a device over time:

public readonly record struct Coordinates (Guid DeviceId, double Latitude, double Longitude);

// Create an unbounded channel with multiple producers and consumers:
var channel = Channel.CreateUnbounded<Coordinates>(
    new UnboundedChannelOptions { 
        SingleWriter = false, 
        SingleReader = false, 
        AllowSynchronousContinuations = true 

Since this channel is unbounded, it always has room for a write, so all writes are synchronous.

Bounded Channels

When the bound is reached, the default behavior is that the channel asynchronously blocks the producer until space becomes available.


var channel = Channel.CreateBounded<T>(7);

Full Mode Behavior

Specify the BoundedChannelFullMode value to determine how the channel behaves when its bound is reached.
The default is BoundedChannelFullMode.Wait which waits for space to become available to complete the write operation.


Using the same example from above:

var channel = Channel.CreateBounded<Coordinates>(
    new BoundedChannelOptions(1_000)
        SingleWriter = true, // one writer...
        SingleReader = false, // ...but many readers.
        AllowSynchronousContinuations = false,
        FullMode = BoundedChannelFullMode.DropWrite // drop the item being written if the channel is full

To do something with the writes that are dropped, use an overload of CreateBounded that accepts a callback that gets invoked whenever the channel is full and a new item is added:

var channel = Channel.CreateBounded(
    new BoundedChannelOptions(10){
        AllowSynchronousContinuations = true,
        FullMOde = BoundedChannelFullMode.DropOldest
    static void (Coordinates droppedCoords) =>
        Console.WriteLine($"Coordinates dropped: {droppedCoords}"));

See Also

An introduction to System.Threading.Channels