Data Transformations

LINQ can transform data. It can use a source sequence as input, modify it, and create a new output sequence.

Join Multiple Inputs into One Output Sequence


class Student(string First, string Last, int ID, string Street, string City, List<int> Scores)
class Teacher(string First, string Last, int ID, string City)

List<Student> students = new() {  };
List<Teacher> teachers = new() {  };

string peopleInDenver = (
    from student in students
    where student.City == "Denver"
    select student.Last)
        from teacher in teachers
        where teacher.City == "Denver"
        select teacher.Last);

foreach (var person in peopleInDenver)

Selecting a Subset of each Source Element

var query1 = from cust in customers
select cust.City; // This select just one member of the source element

var query2 = from cust in customers
select new { Name = cust.Name, City = cust.City }; // This creates an anonymous type that holds
// two properties of the source element.