generic host

A host is an object that encapsulates an app’s resources and lifetime functionality. This allows for control over the app’s startup and graceful shutdown.

  • Examples: Dependency Injection, Logging, Configuration, IHostedService implementations

Generic Host is represented by the HostBuilder type.


When a host starts, it calls IHostedService.StartAsync on each implementation of IHostedService registered in the service container’s collection of hosted services. If the implementation is a worker service, it calls BackgroundService.ExecuteAsync.

execution sequence

  1. StartAsync
  2. OnStarted
  3. OnStopping
  4. StopAsync
  5. OnStopped


Hosts are usually built, configured, and run in Program.Main:

default host

await Host.CreateDefaultBuilder(args) // Create the default `IHostBuilder`.
    .ConfigureServices((hostContext, services) =>
        // This method allows you to add services to the `IServiceCollection` instance:
    .RunConsoleAsync(); // Includes `UseConsoleLifetime().Build().RunAsync()`;

Pre-configuration includes:

  • Content root path is set to CWD.
  • Host configuration is loaded from:
    • (1) Environment variables prefixed with DOTNET_
    • (2) Command line arguments
  • App configuration is loaded from:
    • (1) appsettings.json (or appsettings.{Environment}.json)
    • (2) Secret Manager (if running in the Development environment)
    • (3) Environment variables.
    • (4) Command line arguments.
  • These logging providers are automatically added: Console, Debug, EventSource, EventLog (Windows only)
  • These services are registered automatically: IHostApplicationLifetime, IHostLifetime, IHostEnvironment

Non-Default Host

IHostBuilder builder =
    new HostBuilder().ConfigureServices((hostContext, services) =>

await builder.RunConsoleAsync();


Inject this service into a class to get info about these settings:

  • IHostEnvironment.ApplicationName
  • IHostEnvironment.ContentRootFileProvider
  • IHostEnvironment.ContentRootPath
  • IHostEnvironment.EnvironmentName

host configuration

Configures properties of the IHostEnvironment implementation. Call ConfigureHostConfiguration() on IHostBuilder to configure:

IHost host = Host.CreateDefaultBuilder(args)
    .ConfigureHostConfiguration(configHost => 
    configHost.AddJsonFile("somefile.json", option: true);
    configHost.AddEnvironmentVariables(prefix: "PREFIX_");

app configuration

Call ConfigureAppConfiguration() on IHostBuilder. This can be called repeatedly; the last value set on a given key is used.

The host configuration is contained within HostBuilderContext.Configuration within the ConfigureAppConfiguration method.


host shutdown

Hosted services are stopped as follows:

  • If the app exits normally with Main() completing and neither Run() nor HostingAbstractionsHostExtensions.WaitForShutdown() is called.
  • The app crashes.
  • The app is sent SIGKILL (CTRL+Z)
  • If ConsoleLifetime is used, it listens for these signals and attempts graceful shutdown:
    • SIGINT (Ctrl+C), SIGQUIT (Ctrl+Break), SIGTERM (sent by other apps).
  • If the app calls Environment.Exit().
    • Note: Environment.Exit() is NOT a graceful shutdown in the Hosting app model.

To gracefully shut down a host on demand, call IHostApplicationLifetime.StopApplication().


Inject this service into any class to handle post-startup and graceful shutdown tasks.

These three properties are cancellation tokens used to register app start and app stop event handler methods:

  • ApplicationStarted, ApplicationStopping, ApplicationStopped


namespace SomeNamespace;

public class SomeService : IHostedService 
    private readonly IHostEnvironment _hostEnvironment;
    private readonly ILogger _logger;

    public SomeService(ILogger<SomeClass> logger, IHostApplicationLifetime appLifetime, IHostEnvironment hostEnvironment, ) 
        _hostEnvironment = hostEnvironment;
        _logger = logger;
        appLifetime.ApplicationStarted.Register(OnStarted); // callbacks to execute after fully started
        appLifetime.ApplicationStopping.Register(OnStopping); // callbacks to execute before starting shutdown
        appLifetime.ApplicationStopped.Register(OnStopped); // callbacks to execute before exiting

    public async Task StartAsync(CancellationToken cxlToken) 

    public async Task StopAsync(CancellationToken cxlToken) 

    private void OnStarted() => Console.WriteLine($"{_hostEnvironment.ApplicationName} finished starting");

    private void OnStopping() => Console.WriteLine($"{_hostEnvironment.ApplicationName} stopping...");
    // Logger is closed/flushed by this point:
    private void OnStopped() => Console.WriteLine($"{_hostEnvironment.ApplicationName} has stopped.");

Above, in Program.Main, instead of Worker, SomeService could now be used.

Call the interface’s StopApplication() method to shutdown on demand.


Controls when the host starts and stops. The last implementation registered is used.


  • StopAsync(), WaitForStartAsync()