
Object –> Environment


  • CommandLine Returns the command line arguments as a string where the first term is the command itself
  • Current DirectoryGets or sets the CWD
  • ExitCode
  • Is64BitOperatingSystem Boolean if OS is 64-bit
  • Is64BitProcess Boolean if the current process if 64-bit
  • MachineName Returns the system’s name
  • NewLine Returns a platform-independent newline (\r\n for non-Unix platforms; \n for Unix platforms)
  • OSVersion Returns an OperatingSystem OSVersion object. See also: OSVersion.VersionString
  • ProcessId Returns the PID of the current process as an int
  • ProcessorCount Returns the number of processors available to the current process
  • ProcessPath Returns the path of the executable that started the current process
  • StackTrace Returns current stack trace information
  • SystemDirectory Returns the path of the system directory
  • TickCount64 Returns the number of milliseconds elapsed since the system started
  • UserDomainName Returns the domain username of the current user
  • UserName Returns the username of the current process


  • Exit(int) Terminate this process and return exit code int to the OS
  • FailFast(string) Terminate this process immediately (do not run Catch blocks), and write string to Application event log
  • GetCommandLineArgs() Returns the command line arguments as a string[]. [0] is the executable name
  • GetEnvironmentVariable(string) Return environment variable string or null if not found
  • GetEnvironmentVariables() Return all environment variables as a Dictionary
  • GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder) Return the path of SpecialFolder
  • GetLogicalDrives() Return all logical drives as an array of strings
  • SetEnvironmentVariable(string variable, string value) Set environment variable to value.


Object –> ValueType –> Enum –> Environment.SpecialFolder
Enumerated constants for special system folders.


ApplicationData MyDocuments Personal System