
Namespaces declare scopes:

namespace SomeNamespace 
	class SomeClass { }

Namespace declarations can also be file-scoped:

using SomeNamespace; // Imports all classes from namespace.

Imports (using Directive)

using SomeNamespace;


using SomeAlias = Really.Long.Nested.Namespace;


The global modifier has the same effect as adding the same using directive to every source file in a project:

global using SomeNamespace;

Can also be added to project file instead:



The static modifier imports only the static members and nested types from a namespace:

static using SomeNamespace;
using static System.Console; // Imports a type's methods, like WriteLine.

Implicit Using Directives

Some SDKs have implicit using directives. For example, for console applications (Microsoft.Net.Sdk):

  • System
  • System.IO
  • System.Collections.Generic
  • System.Linq
  • System.Net.Http
  • System.Threading
  • System.Threading.Tasks


To disable implicit imports, add this line to the project file:


To use implicit imports but remove a specific one:

	<Using Remove="System.Net.Http" />

Using Statement

The using statement generates a finally statement that calls the Dispose() method on an object that implements IDisposable:

using (FileStream xmlFileStream = File.Create(file.xml)) {  }