
I/O methods throw these exceptions:

  • IOException — the base class of all System.IO exceptions
  • FileNotFoundException
  • DirectoryNotFoundException
  • DriveNotFoundException
  • PathTooLongException
  • OperationCanceledException
  • UnauthorizedAccessException

I/O methods wrap calls to the underlying operating system. If an I/O error occurs in code executed by the OS, the OS returns error information to the .NET I/O method. This error maps to a .NET exception type. For example, on Windows, ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND (0x02) maps to FileNotFoundException. However, the precise conditions under which this mapping succeeds varies. Always catch IOException last in your catch blocks.


IOException contains additional error information in its HResult property:

HResult valueConstantDescription
ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION32The file name is missing, or the file or directory is in use.
ERROR_FILE_EXISTS80The file already exists.
ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER87An argument supplied to the method is invalid.
ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS183The file or directory already exists.

The HResult value can be converted to a Win32 error code by stripping out the upper 16 bits of the 32-bit value:

// ...
catch (IOException e) when ((e.HResult & 0x0000FFFF) == 32)
    Console.WriteLine("There is a sharing violation.");
// ...