All exceptions derive from System.Exception
catch exceptions
try { … }
catch (exception e) { // Catches a specific exception. Stores it in e.
// e.StackTrace contains the current call stack, file name, and line number where the exception was thrown.
// e.Message contains the string describing the exception.
// e.GetType() contains the type of the exception.
catch { … } // Catches any exception.
catch { } // Use an empty catch block to catch errors, ignore them, and continue running.
finally { … } // This block is always executed, whether or not an exception is caught.
- Order catch blocks from most specific to least specific.
○ Example:
DirectoryNotFoundException –> FileNotFoundException –> IOException
- If you catch
, rethrow it at the end of the catch block.
exception filters
Exception Filters allow you to catch an exception only when a condition is true:
catch (Exception e) when (condition) { … }
throw exceptions
throw new ExceptionType("Exception message");
rethrow exceptions
If an exception is caught and you want to rethrow it up the stack use throw.
- If you
throw ex
to rethrow, the stack trace is lost.
If a catch block does nothing but rethrow exceptions, it is useless. Remove it.
To wrap a caught exception in another with more information, throw a new exception and pass the caught exception as the innerException
catch (IOException ex) {
throw new InvalidOperationException(message: "This thing failed.", innerException: ex)
throwing exceptions
throw these exceptions
○ Includes a second parameter,ParamName
, that should be set to the name of the argument that caused the exception to be thrown. ○ In a property setter,ParamName
should be set tovalue.
– If the object is in an inappropriate state.NotSupportedException
do not throw these exceptions
Don’t throw or derive from:
Create a Custom Exception [ Documentation]
Custom exception classes can be created. They should have at least 4 constructors:
class CustomException : Exception {
public CustomException() : base() { }
// This constructor sets the message property only:
public CustomException(string message) : base(message) { }
// This constructor sets the message property and InnerException:
public CustomException(string message, Exception inner) : base(message, inner) { }
// This constructor creates serialization, which is needed when an exception propagates from a remote server to the client:
public CustomException(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo info, System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext context) : base(info, context) { }
throw new CustomException("Exception message");
common exception classes
Exception | Description |
ArithmeticException | A base class for exceptions that occur during arithmetic operations, such as DivideByZeroException and OverflowException. |
ArrayTypeMismatchException | Thrown when an array can’t store a given element because the actual type of the element is incompatible with the actual type of the array. |
DivideByZeroException | Thrown when an attempt is made to divide an integral value by zero. |
IndexOutOfRangeException | Thrown when an attempt is made to index an array when the index is less than zero or outside the bounds of the array. |
InvalidCastException | Thrown when an explicit conversion from a base type to an interface or to a derived type fails at run time. |
NullReferenceException | Thrown when an attempt is made to reference an object whose value is null. |
OutOfMemoryException | Thrown when an attempt to allocate memory using the new operator fails. This exception indicates that the memory available to the common language runtime has been exhausted. |
OverflowException | Thrown when an arithmetic operation in a checked context overflows. |
StackOverflowException | Thrown when the execution stack is exhausted by having too many pending method calls; usually indicates a very deep or infinite recursion. |
TypeInitializationException | Thrown when a static constructor throws an exception and no compatible catch clause exists to catch it. |