
Object –> Debug

Prefer ILogger over System.Diagnostics.Debug and System.Diagnostics.Trace.
Methods and properties to debug code.
This class can only be used when the application is compiled in DEBUG mode.

enabling debugging


  1. Add #define DEBUG (or #define TRACE) to the top of the file, or;
  2. Add the /d:DEBUG or /d:TRACE flag when compiling.

adding trace listeners

Trace Listeners are shared by both Debug and Trace and used to output debug/trace information:

Using a TextWriterTraceListener

Debug.Listeners.Add(new TextWriterTraceListener(Console.Out));
Debug.AutoFlush = true;

Using DefaultTraceListener

Trace.Listeners.Clear(); // Remove the default trace listener.
DefaultTraceListener defaultListener = new();
Trace.Listeners.Add(defaultListener); // This also automatically adds the listener to Debug.Listeners.
defaultListener.LogFileName = filename;
