
Object –> ValueType –> DateTimeOffset
Represents a date and time with an offset against UTC.
Includes all functionality from DateTime as well as (some) time zone awareness.
Consider this the default date and time type.

See also:


  • The time component is measured in ticks
  • DateTimeOffset values can be created by assigning it a DateTime value (implicit conversion)


  • “Now”
  • Date and time arithmetic, conversion, and comparisons
  • Conversion: DateTimeOffset <–> DateTime
  • Time manipulation and extraction


DateTimeOffset(DateTime, TimeSpan) // TimeSpan is optional.
DateTimeOffset(yyyy, mm, dd, hh, mm, ss, ms, TimeSpan) // ms is optional.
DateTimeOffset(ticks, TimeSpan)

Casting & Conversions

DateTime dt;  
DateTimeOffset dto;  

DateTime –> DateTimeOffset

dto = DateTimeOffset(dt)

DateTime <– DateTimeOffset

dt = dto.DateTime // Information about the dto's relationship to UTC is lost.
dt = dto.UtcDateTime // Use this if the dto is in UTC.
dt = dto.LocalDateTime // Use this if the dto is in local time.


UnixEpoch // 00:00:00.0000000 UTC, January 1, 1970