

dotnet add package system.commandline --pre-release

model binding

The process of parsing arguments and providing them to command handler code.
Of note, any type with a constructor that accepts a single string parameter can be bound (like FileInfo).

root command

A root command, represented by RootCommand, represents the app executable itself:

RootCommand rootCommand = new("app description");

adding commands to rootcommand



Commands are actions performed by the program. They should be verbs.
Commands are represented by the Command class:

Command actionCommand = new Command("actionCommand", "Perform an action.");


Subcommands also use the Command class and can be added to a Command or RootCommand.

When commands have subcommands, the commands above them in the hierarchy do nothing:

dotnet add # does nothing
dotnet add package # does something


Command subCommand = new Command("subcmd");

> myapp cmd subcmd

Equivalent using collection initializer syntax:

RootCommand rootCommand = new RootCommand() 
    new Command("actionCommand") 
        new Command("subcmd")


Options are named parameters that can be passed to commands.

They are represented by the Option class:

Option<int> delayOption = new Option<int>(
    name: "--delay",
    description: "The delay",
    getDefaultValue: () => 3);

options that accept multiple strings

Use AllowMultipleArgumentsPerToken:

Option<string[]> myOption = new Option<string[]>(  ) { AllowMultipleArgumentsPerToken = true };

other parameters

  • isDefault - If true, if no input is provided for the option, the ParseArgument delegate is called.


  • IsHidden - This option will not be displayed in help or tab-completed.
  • IsRequired - Boolean if the option is required.
  • AllowMultipleArgumentsPerToken - Boolean if multiple arguments should be allowed for the option.
    • This is required when an option accepts multiple strings as an argument.

adding options to commands


global options

Global options are available to the command it’s assigned and all its subcommands.


The default style is POSIX, using -- prefixes.
Windows-based prefixes of / are also supported.


A space or : or = can delimit an option from an argument:

myapp --option 123
myapp --option:123
myapp --option=123

building commands with options

Command actionCommand = new Command( “actionCommand”, “Performs an action.”) { delayOption };


Both Commands and Options support aliases:

var command = new Command("serialize");

var option = new Option("--verbose");


Arguments are values passed to an option or a command.
Arguments without default values are treated as required arguments.
Built-in validation errors when arguments don’t match default values, expected types, or arity.

// This argument will be parsed into an int:
Argument<int> delayArgument = new(
name: "delay",
description: "The delay in seconds.",
getDefaultValue: () => 3); // Arguments with no default value are made required.

Arguments are added to Commands, just like Options:


listing valid argument values

To specify of a list of valid values for an Argument or an Option, either:

  1. Use an Enum as the Option type, or;
  2. use FromAmong:
var languageOption = new Option<string>(
    "An option that that must be one of the values of a static list.")
    .FromAmong("csharp", "fsharp", "vb", "pwsh", "sql");


Arity is expressed with a minimum and maximum value. The ArgumentArity struct has these values:

  • Zero - No values allowed.
  • ZeroOrOne - May have one, may have zero.
  • ExactlyOne - Must have one.
  • ZeroOrMore - May have multiple, may have zero.
  • OneOrMore - May have multiple, must have one.

Arity is inferred from the type:

  • An int option has arity of ExactlyOne
  • A List<int> option has arity of OneOrMore

custom validation of options and arguments

Use .AddValidator:

Option<int> delayOption = new("delay");
delayOption.AddValidator(result =>
    if (result.GetValueForOption(delayOption) < 1) 
        result.ErrorMessage = "error";

custom validation and parsing

Use the ParseArgument<T> delegate:

var delayOption = new Option<int>(
    name: "--delay",
    description: "An option whose argument is parsed as an int.",
    isDefault: true, // This must be set to true for parseArgument to be called when no value is sent.
    parseArgument: result =>
        if (!result.Tokens.Any())
            return 42;

        if (int.TryParse(result.Tokens.Single().Value, out var delay))
            if (delay < 1)
                result.ErrorMessage = "Must be greater than 0";

        return delay;

            result.ErrorMessage = "Not an int.";
            return 0; // Ignored.


The SetHandler is what binds options to command handlers.
A root command has a SetHandler if there are no commands.
If there are commands, each Command has a SetHandler:

actionCommand.SetHandler(async (int delayOptionValue) 
    await PerformAction(delayOptionValue); // The command calls this method.
    return Task.FromResult(int) // Where int is an exit code. If the handler exits normally,
    // it will exit with 0, not this code.
}, delayOption);

All options and arguments must be declared in the same order in the lambda and in the parameters that follow the lambda.

starting execution

After defining SetHandler:

// or
return rootCommand.InvokeAsync(args).Result;

Response Files