
Single-file deployment bundles all application-dependent files into a single binary. This deployment method is supported for both framework-dependent and self-contained apps.

Publishing a Single-file App

  1. Update the project file:
  2. Publish the app for a specific runtime identifier:
    dotnet publish -r <runtime-identifier>

Alternatively, an app can be published as a single file without updating the project file:

dotnet publish -r <runtime-identifier> -p:PublishSingleFile=true --self-contained <true|false>


excluding certain files

Update the project file:

    <Content Update="Plugin.dll">
        <!-- Copies the file to the Publish directory but does not include it 
             in the deployment: -->

including pdb files

Single-file apps have all related PDB files not bundled by default.
To change this, update the project file:


compress assemblies

Set the EnableCompressionInSingleFile property to true. All embedded assemblies will be compressed.

Note: this has a performance cost.

Inspecting Single-file Apps

Use ILSpy. This tool can inspect the contents of a single-file bundle.