
dotnet publish [options] <proj|sltn> # Publish the application and its dependencies for hosting.
--arch <x64|x86 # Specify the target architecture. Don't use `--runtime`.
--configuration Debug|Release
--framework net6.0|net5.0| # Specify the target .NET framework.
--output <path # Specify the output directory.
--self-contained <true|false> # Publish the .NET runtime with the application. Use with `--runtime`.
--runtime <RID> # Specify the target runtime environment. Use with `--self-contained`.

RIDs: win-x64, win10-x64, win-x86, linux-x64, rhel-x64

--verbosity <level> # Levels are (q)uiet, (m)inimal, (n)ormal, (d)etailed, (diag)nostic.

Publishing modes:

  • Framework-dependent — includes application and its dependencies. Users must install .NET runtime.
  • Self-contained — includes application, its dependencies, .NET runtime, and libraries.
Framework-dependent executableSelf-contained executableCross-platform binaryCurrent PlatformSpecific PlatformCommand
XXXdotnet publish
XXXdotnet publish -r <RID> –self-contained false
XXdotnet publish -r <RID>

No platform-specific executable

Add this to the project file:

PDB Files

PDB files are used to debug exceptions. You can choose not to include them with the deployment. Save them if so.


ReadyToRun images improve startup time but are larger in size. ReadyToRun requires targeting a specific runtime environments.

dotnet publish --configuration Release --runtime <RID> -p:PublishReadyToRun=true

Self-contained specific platform executable, ReadyToRun.


Trimming reduces the size of compiled projects.

dotnet publish  -p:PublishTrimmed=True # Assembly-level trimming.
dotnet publish  -p:publishTrimmed=True -p:TrimMode=link # Type-level and member-level trimming.