Install packages:
dotnet add package Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration
dotnet add package Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Json
dotnet add package Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder
dotnet add package Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.EnvironmentVariables # Only if using environment variables.
Assuming this appsettings.json file:
"Settings": {
"KeyOne": 1,
"KeyTwo": true,
"KeyThree": {
"Message": "Oh, that's nice..."
Set the file properties:
Build action
Copy to Output Directory
=Copy always
orCopy if newer
// Assuming this code for settings object:
public class Settings
public int KeyOne { get; set; }
public bool KeyTwo { get; set; }
public NestedSettings KeyThree { get; set; } = null!;
public class NestedSettings
public string Message { get; set; } = null!;
Hosted Approach
using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration;
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting;
using IHost host = Host.CreateDefaultBuilder(args).Build();
// Ask the service provider for the configuration abstraction:
IConfiguration config = host.Services.GetRequiredService<IConfiguration>();
// Get values from the config given their key and their target type.
int keyOneValue = config.GetValue<int>("KeyOne");
bool keyTwoValue = config.GetValue<bool>("KeyTwo");
string keyThreeNestedValue = config.GetValue<string>("KeyThree:Message");
// Write the values to the console.
Console.WriteLine($"KeyOne = {keyOneValue}");
Console.WriteLine($"KeyTwo = {keyTwoValue}");
Console.WriteLine($"KeyThree:Message = {keyThreeNestedValue}");
// Application code which might rely on the config could start here.
await host.RunAsync();
Non-Hosted Approach
using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration;
// Build a config object, using env vars and JSON providers:
IConfiguration config = new ConfigurationBuilder()
// Get values from the config given their key and their target type:
Settings settings = config.GetRequiredSection("Settings").Get<Settings>();
// Write the values to the console.
Console.WriteLine($"{settings.KeyOne}"); // 1
Console.WriteLine($"{settings.KeyTwo}"); // True
Console.WriteLine($"{settings.KeyThree.Message}"); // "Oh, that's nice…"
// Application code which might rely on the config could start here.