A cross-platform mail client library built on top of MimeKit.
dotnet add package mailkit
creating messages
var message = new MimeMessage();
message.From.Add(new MailboxAddress("Joey", ""));
message.To.Add(new MailboxAddress("Alice", ""));
message.Subject = "How you doing?";
message.Body = new TextPart("plain")
Text = @"Hey Alice,
What are you up to this weekend? Monica is throwing one of her parties on
Saturday and I was hoping you could make it.
Creating a text/html and text/plain Message
var attachment = CreateImageAttachment ();
var plain = CreateTextPlainPart ();
var html = CreateTextHtmlPart ();
// Note: it is important that the text/html part is added second, because it is the most expressive version and (probably) the most faithful to the sender's WYSIWYG editor.
var alternative = new MultipartAlternative ();
alternative.Add (plain);
alternative.Add (html);
// now create the multipart/mixed container to hold the multipart/alternative and the image attachment
var multipart = new Multipart ("mixed");
multipart.Add (alternative);
multipart.Add (attachment);
// now set the multipart/mixed as the message body
message.Body = multipart;
creating attachments
// create an image attachment for the file located at path
var attachment = new MimePart("image", "gif")
Content = new MimeContent(File.OpenRead(path), ContentEncoding.Default),
ContentDisposition = new ContentDisposition(ContentDisposition.Attachment),
ContentTransferEncoding = ContentEncoding.Base64,
FileName = Path.GetFileName(path)
// now create the multipart/mixed container to hold the message text and the image attachment
var multipart = new Multipart("mixed");
// now set the multipart/mixed as the message body
message.Body = multipart;
public static void SendMessages (IList<MimeMessage> messages)
using (var client = new SmtpClient())
client.Connect("", 465, SecureSocketOptions.SslOnConnect);
client.Authenticate("username", "password");
foreach (var message in messages)
client.Disconnect (true);
None | 0 | No SSL/TLS. |
Auto | 1 | Allow IMailService to decide which to use. If server does not support either, connection continues unencrypted. |
SslOnConnect | 2 | Use SSL or TLS immediately. |
StartTls | 3 | Elevate to TLS immediately after reading greeting/capabilities of server. If server does not support STARTTLS, fail. |
StartTlsWhenAvailable | 4 | Elevate to TLS immediately after reading greeting/capabilities of server, but only if server supports STARTTLS. |